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Kindred Beings

Animal Communication | Healing and Attunement

Animal Communication

Intuitive guidance and animal understanding to attune to their needs & inform decisions

Healing Pathways

Powerful energy healing and ongoing support to promote wellness & transformation

When our animals suffer, so do we. 
They are sacred friends, wayshowers, and healers
whose lives are intrinsically connected to our own.


My role is to get to the heart of what your animal needs
to provide clarity, relief, and healing for you both.

Image by Nick & Djalila

"You were spot on with helping me meet my new puppy's soul! As we saw the past life we shared, I was able to understand what kind of energy she was going to bring into our family in this lifetime. You were completely right about her being more of a family dog instead of just being ‘mine’ like my last dog was. Understanding the shared energetics we have from previous lifetimes aids me in knowing her demeanor now. Your ability to connect with my dog who died and our new puppy gave me the peace I was craving."

~Erica VanEaton, client, Quantum Alchemist Intuitive

Cute Kittens

Book a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call to tell me about your kindred being & your needs.

Your veterinarian provides important
diagnoses and treatments.

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My name is Amy, and I provide complementary support so you can: strengthen your relationship, enhance wellbeing & navigate challenges
with clarity and ease. 




Animal Communication

  • Understand what's going on, how they are feeling & what they need

  • Learn what messages and wisdom they wish to share with you

  • Discover their soul mission

  • Explore the underlying causes of behaviors, imbalance, or illness

  • Receive intuitive guidance and reassurance when you need help navigating options

  • Make clearer decisions

  • Receive grief support and guidance during transitions


Healing Pathways

  • Powerful energy medicine to promote wellness and joy

  • Support for the human and animal to release projection and shared
    emotional burdens

  • Address physical injury, illness, trauma, transitions & more at their root cause

  • Alleviate imbalance and stress 

  • Restore wholeness and balance

  • Powerful comfort and healing for your animal and/or you for transformation and new possibility


Teaching Tricks


Just like us, our animals want to be seen, heard and understood - their health and happiness depends on this. Here is how I support you both:

  • Decoding your animal’s behaviors, needs, motivations, and feelings

  • Providing the opportunity to ask questions and get direct answers

  • Alleviating anxiety, worry, and stress that are shared among family members

  • Offering guidance in holistic care and wellness choices

  • Providing comfort and compassionate support during difficult times so you don't feel alone

  • Sharing what your animal wants you to know about navigating their end-of-life process

  • Discover the deeper soul contract between you and your animal

  • Enhancing connection, harmony, and enjoyment in your relationship

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Multidisciplinary Healing Practitioner, Animal Empath, Therapeutic Listener and Coach

Like you, I'm an animal lover with an ability to understand who they are at a soul level and what they need, regardless of the species. Our fellow kindred beings are wise and patient teachers who show us how to lead from the heart, love without condition, and give without expectation. ​


My gift is to reveal hidden messages that inspire powerful new awareness, and to help heal subconscious patterns that create illness and distress. I look forward to partnering with you to enhance your relationship and support you both. 


From my heart to yours,




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"Percy wasn’t adjusting to his new, senior sister the way I thought he might. He’s always thrived in the company of other dogs, so it surprised me that he didn’t welcome her. A few weeks later, Percy also had a few days of lethargy and pain. The vet diagnosed him with arthritis and musculoskeletal pain. A brief trial of meds helped, but he still lacked his normal zest and spunk. Amy helped him understand the new addition to the family and emphasized his role as top senior dog and mentor. She and Percy also talked about his favorite foods, supplements, and other likes and dislikes. I made all suggested changes, and Percy has retuned to his lively, playful, sometimes puppy-like ways. We’re back to long hikes and adventure walks with him leading the way. It’s so good to have my enthusiastic, joyful boy back and to know I’m providing the best support for him. Thank you!"
~Emily P., counselor


What Sets
Kindred Beings Apart

My work is unique because I see you and your animal as intrinsically connected. Often, we reflect one another, sharing each other's joys, anxieties, and sorrows alike. Like us, our animals are also here to live a unique soul mission. This is why I take a systems approach, working with you, your animal, and taking into account your larger family system to bring about lasting, positive transformation.

Green Eyed Cat

"I felt so anxious when I had to wait for Ella's blood tests. 
I felt alone and needed kind and effective support to make a clear decision.
I got that from you, and so much more. So very grateful."
~Andrea F., retired

Curious to Learn More?

Book a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call to share a little about your animal & explore how I can best meet your needs.

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