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From Us to You...

Like you, we've weathered cycles of unbearable

hurt and healing,

and times of unrelenting stress.


We've felt the burn of being stuck, unable to

bring our gifts to fruition.

Our hearts have felt ravaged by grief and rage

in the pain of

broken relationships and loss.


Like you, we've felt utterly alone, not knowing who
to turn to.

Backpocket Confidante was created for moments like these.
This is where transformation begins.

A boy is holding a large balloon lantern with a flame in the center.

From Our Clients to You...

Finding BPC has been like finding a treasure. You are present and fully with me in body, mind, and soul. You spoke fluidly and intuitively from your heart directly to my own knowing exactly what I needed in the moment. Thank you for your astute listening and sensitive guidance. Thank you for not trying to fix, but leading me into a place of my own empowerment, and walking beside me no matter how long or challenging the path.

Charity B., client

Knowing that there is quality support a phone call away (and at a moment's notice) has created profound change within my nervous system. When I realized that I could reach out to you during my worst times, things quickly began to turn around in my life. The frozen, stuck aspects of my attachment trauma have been soothed, my core beliefs about myself are much kinder, and I’m generally a more hopeful person.

Jessica P., client

You seem to know just what to say, what to do, how to be with me. You listen so deeply, wisely and wakefully. You honor it all, whatever it is. You see me and believe in me. With depth and levity, your support and guidance remind me that we are all connected, that our stories are vast and infinite, and that healing and growth are not linear. It is a profound gift to be on this journey with you.

Kerri R., client

You had a grounded confidence in the process as you patiently followed and tracked the sensations I was noticing in my body as we explored my issue. Your in-the-moment instincts, somatic awareness, and non-judgmental presence was immediately effective for me. My practitioner is one part inner-life coach, and one part shaman.

Marc L., client

I witnessed a horrible accident. I reached out to you right away to get some stability. I needed to connect because I felt all alone being the only witness to the accident. I didn't need anyone to fix me, I just needed to be held in that moment and respected for what I was feeling having witnessed a tragic death. Using meridian tapping to process the horrific images reduced any subsequent PTSD. I am beyond grateful.

Sheila C., client

My elderly mom took a bad fall. As I was waiting in the ER parking lot, I could feel the panic in my gut. When I called you, I just needed to regain my composure so I could handle what came next. Within a few short minutes, I could hardly believe that I felt incredibly calm and stable. I went from being on the edge of a panic attack to being focused and centered. That feeling lasted for days and helped me care for my mom. I can't thank you enough.

Laura G., client

As someone with attachment trauma, I have always carried a sense of deep hopelessness that I would ever be loved and accepted. I was able to reach out to BPC in my worst moments and felt a profound shift. The traumatized child within me was shown it could be seen, loved, accepted, even during my ugliest , most embarrassing moments with this enduring support.

Jessica P., client

Thank you for getting me started on this process. You made me see the situation from a different perspective. You were a light for me, encouraging me with your words of wisdom. I already feel so much better after doing a lot of releasing, and I have a renewed enthusiasm.

Jeanette Z., client

I am so grateful for our connection. Your words were magical and comforting. Your guidance helped me navigate through my upset and confusion more than I can express. Your wisdom is a beacon of light upon my path.

Sandra F., client

You are a master at humbly creating space for my process to unfold on its own. You didn't insert your own ego into our work. There was a gentle allowance for humanity's pain to be flowed and witnessed. It felt like both a personal and collective sigh of relief.

Scott P., client

Your work transcends time and place. You held the sacred space that was necessary for me to heal old wounds and manifest a new, freer way of being. No one could ask for a better guide on the journey of going inward, letting go of what is not yours to carry, and aligning with your own heart's truest desires.

Jess L., client

Since I was a child, I’ve felt a profound sense of loneliness and hopelessness. Once I started reaching out to you during those times, these core feelings began to change. The part of me that only knew loneliness was shown deep and caring connection, profound wisdom, and beauty.

Jessica P., client

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