From My Animal Communication/Healing
Clients to You...

Marilyn D., client
OMG! I just love your work and you! I am sobbing, but that's ok. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I will spend some time reassuring Duke tomorrow that I'm ok.

Susan N., client
Your words encouraged me and made me cry. I didn't think of it like that, but that's precisely what my girl is doing. Thank you for showing me her strength, generosity, and wisdom in a new way. And, thank you so much for your wise counsel and generous engagement with me. You are a gift.

Mike N., client
You are dialed in. Whoah. Yes, that's exactly what's going on. Thank you for your support. It means a lot.
You again are spot on! I'm not surprised at all.

Sandra F., client
I am so grateful for our connection. Your words were magical and comforting. Your guidance helped me navigate through my upset and confusion more than I can express. Your wisdom is a beacon of light upon my path.

Marilyn D., client
It helped me so much to have you talk about how much my sweet dog is taking care of ME....being tuned into over worrying. I forced myself to take a break, and funny that he wasn't limping all day yesterday.

Susan N., client
You are a magnificent light and gift to the world. Sending so much love and gratitude. Last night, we named all of the blessings throughout this process, and your name was at the top of the list. Thank you for holding our grief so tenderly; we felt so seen by you. I also want to validate your words at the beginning about Teagin taking care of us.