Ongoing Text Support
Receive daily support via text and audio messaging through our monthly membership plan
Service Description
This personal monthly membership service, called "In Your Pocket," is ideal if you wish to remain connected and receive ongoing support. We offer direct audio and text messaging via What's App and a private social media page where you can share your experiences and benefit from guidance and personal feedback. You'll receive direct messages or voice memos in response to your questions via What's App up to five days per week during office hours. We will respond to between one and three messages from you per day (and more if we can) Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm Pacific time (12 pm - 8 pm Eastern time). The goal is to ensure you and your beloved receive the ongoing support you need to get you through a transition or challenging time when extra support can really help. The cost is $60 per month (for 30 days). You can renew each month if you wish.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance by emailing info@kindredbeings.com
Contact Details
Bellingham, WA, USA